Thursday, October 27, 2011

Post 8

Throughout these past few weeks I have seen my product evolve through what we have learned in class. I started off with a simple idea of a touch screen computer monitor outside your closet which can help you pick out outfits without having to go through crowded closets. Through out the course of the class as we learned about different topics I was able to evolve my idea. I realized that RFID can be used to input the clothes. This is a simple and easy way to organize everything and input your clothes into the system. I then realized this could be a great way to track down missing clothes. Girls are always lending clothes to friends and forgetting they did so or loosing accessories. With RFID and the Visual closet this could be helped. They could be tracked down and easily found.

I as well realized that the system can have voice commands like we talked about in class and a program like Siri for the new Iphone to be your own personal assistant and almost like a personal shopper/dresser. The system can use the color codes we learned about to match clothing together and say what will look good. As technology evolves so can this product and it can become a huge success. Now my product has become a well rounded full operating computer like system with many different effects and options.

I thought that this was a great project to relate what we learned in class with real life situations. If we did not do this project, I probably would not of thought of all of the different ways what we learned in class could relate to real life things. I learned how technology really evolves a company and can change it in so many different ways just by a new technology addition.

I commented on 3 different classmates blogs they were: Zhou Yiyao, Kim Sooyum and Meng Meng

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Twitter Blog

The professional blog that I read was one called "Twitter Blog". This is a blog made by the Twitter team to share new features and other things going on within the company. This is a great way for the company to explain the new features they are adding while explaining them to their users to help make it easier for them to follow along with. They put screen shots and detailed explanations.

As well they direct blog posts at certain people to show them how their product can help different groups. One post is to non-profit companies to show them how twitter is a great way to get their organization out there. In this post, and similar ones, they tag twitter users at the end so that the people that blog is focused on can follow those people to get more insight.

A blog like this is important to a major company like this so they can connect better with their audience. It lets them feel closer to the company and feel like they have a connection of what is going on with the company since they are getting the "inside scoop" on the news and new features. They use the blog efficiently because a blog is supposed to inform about a product or talk about something you want and the Twitter blog does this by updating and informing.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Post 6

This week in class we talked about digital color. Digital color is something that will be extremely important to the Visual Closet. The Visual Closet is all about clothes and outfits so without strong digital color exact replicas of the clothes will not be able to be represented on the screen and outfits that go together will not be able to be picked out. All the colors will need to be strong and precise in order for the Visual Closet to be a respected company.

We will have all of the combinations of the color hex values put into our system so when someone inputs their clothes it will quickly match up the exact color. The system will have the color combinations on hand so that it will know what looks good together so it can quickly create outfits that match and bring out certain color features in outfits.

Another feature the Visual Closet can have is a "Trends" section where you can choose a color you want to focus on. If you want your outfit to feature a specific color or shade of colors you can select this and because of the hex values input in the system it will easily be able to pull an outfit out that match your desires.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Post 5

This week in class we learned about audio. Audio is very important to the Visual Closet because a great feature that it could have would be audio features like telling you where an item is or what would match well with an outfit. We could use either .wav or .mp3 to transmit our audio through the system. Everyone might not like the audio capability feature if they have a roommate they might not want to bother so there can be a Visual Closet and one with audio feature capabilities.

There would have to be a large amount of storage space on the Visual Closet for the audio features. Since a laptop has 1TB the Visual Closet would probably want around the same amount since it will be storing mostly images which will take up a large amount of space. There can be different sizes you can buy at different prices for people with more clothing items and shoes and for people with less who will not need as much storage space on their Visual Closet.

The upgrade of the audio features can be a very cool futuristic feature to the Visual Closet and make things easier for the user. Voice commands with the audio can make it like the user has their own personal assistant helping them pick out outfits. I think that costumers would enjoy these features to help make their lives easier.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Post 4

This week in class we talked about input/output devices. As products develop and continue to grow, updates and new features get added to them. If the Visual Closet goes as planned, voice recognition may be a feature that could be used with it. Voice recognition could be used to say a specific color, clothing item, or style you are looking to wear that day and the Visual Closet would be able to pull up the clothing items that go along with the command you said.

As well, RFID technology could work with the Visual Closet. Items of clothes could have RFID tags that go along with them so you could easily scan this code into your Visual Closet when you purchase it so it takes on seconds to be put into the system. This would help make the whole process of the Visual Closet a lot easier for users so they do not have to waste time putting in specific details and such to get the Virtual Closet to identify the object.

This would also be helpful to customers so if they lost a piece of clothing or could not find it, the RFID would already be on your clothing item so it would be easy to find and track down. The Visual Closet could integrate gps into it so that the exact spot of your clothing object would be easy to locate. RFID is a high technology system and so is the Visual Closet so they would be very compatible together and help users greatly.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Post 3

As a business, the Visual Closet will have a lot of important files and information stored on our computers and in our system. Privacy to our customers will be one of the most important factors of the company because we want to be a respectable and trusted company. Without having the trust of our customers that we can keep their information private and secure we will not get the business we want.

We learned about computer forensics this week and how easy others information can get out to the public. Our business will take all the necessary steps to prevent this by using shredders and having computer programs that privatize customers personal information like names, addresses and credit card information. If our offices decide to get new computers, we will make sure to take the necessary steps to fully erase all information and not let someone get all the information back.

Computer hardware is so important to the Visual Closet because it is a technology and computer based product. In order for the Visual Closet to work we need a lot of the same hardware components as a computer. It is such a complex product that it will take a lot of different hardware tools to make it but with todays technology it will be possible.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Post 2

This week in class we talked about excel and the benefits of spreadsheets. For the virtual closet company, I think that working with Excel would be vital to the company. Every company has a business side to it that needs to be organized and easy to read. With Excel, our company could keep track of different things like order quantity, pricing, and other information to better sell and financially keep up to date.

Keeping track of who orders what is extremely important for a company so that they can tell how well their product is doing as well as advertise more efficiently. The virtual closet company can use a spreadsheet to keep track of the different areas and states that the product is being ordered from to see where the most popular spots are. Graphs can also be made to visually tell where and how much of the product is being bought so that we can continue advertising in that area, or if it is not doing well in a specific area pull back and go stronger somewhere else.

As well Excel would be very helpful to keep track of finances. We learned in class how to do different things like add sums and put in equations to see if we are on the right track with budget. This would benefit the company because we would need to make sure we are continually following our budget and not getting behind. It is important to also make sure that we are charing the right amount so with Excel we can keep track of different price points we use and see if these prices are affecting the amount me sell. A visual representation like a graph of this would also be very useful.